2016 5th January
- Show 'n' tell in March? - General agreement about this. Already have two talks. Contact mike@suteki.co.uk if you want to do a talk.
- What cyber security issues do developers find difficult?
- The dangers of using a functional style in C#
- How mathematical can computer science be?
A book on Category Theory via cake recipes
- Is Typescript to Javascript what C# is to IL?
- Which is a good web hosting company for Windows websites?
- Anyone used Azure Service Fabric beyond just trying it out?
- Has anyone tried to get CoreClr working on Linux?
- WebApp load testing, any tips?
James World discussed scalability testing and mentioned an interview on the Pluralsight podcast discussing his experiences running the UK Microsoft Performance and Scalability labs - you can find that interview here: Pluralcast 31
- What are the best CI and continuous delivery tools?
- Quantum computing! Discuss?
I found this video on the DWave quantum computer. Fun stuff.
- Anyone programmed mobile phones? Android, iOS, Windows phone?
- What is the most efficient way of determining if a string value can be parsed to decimal, integer or datetime?
- How hard is it to create malware? Anyone done it?